Хорошо нужно глянуть . ну это не описание а , дословно передаю BATTLE MECHANICS GUIDE ,
вот что именно он из себя представляет
это одна из частей
[1.6] the elements
There are eight elemental properties in the game: Fire, Ice, Lightning,
Water, Earth, Wind, Dark, and Holy.
In turn, there are two separate effects that can be caused by an elemental
attribute. They are (1) XA strengthening for a caster, and (2) damage
modification for a target.
If the caster of an elemental spell has equipment endowed with 'Strengthen:
(element)', when he casts spells of that element, his strengthened_MA will
be equal to [MA * 5/4]. Note that this applies to the MA of the caster,
and not to the damage caused by the spell. Though this will increase the
damage of most spells (e.g., Fire 4, Shiva, Holy), if the spell normally does
damage that is independent of MA (e.g., Lich), it will do no more damage
from the 'Strengthen' effect (the success percentage, however, which does
depend on MA, will be increased). The 'Strengthen' bonus works the same for
elemental weapons like Ice Brand and Holy Lance, except it is applied to
the appropriate attack stat(s) of the weapon (these are the values of XA
listed for each weapon in section 2.1).
The target of an elemental spell can have a variety of properties that
modify the actual DAMAGE dealt by the spells on that target (and not
the caster's MA):
'Weak: (Element)' ... Damage from this element is doubled, even when
the amount of damage is unaffected by other types
of modifiers. In terms of the formula, the value of
the NUMERATOR is multiplied by 2 just before the
final division. Examples:
- The damage equation for Fire 4 is
damage = [(CFa * TFa * 32 * MA) / 10000]
If the target is weak against Fire, then this
damage = [(CFa * TFa * 32 * MA * 2) / 10000]
- The damage equation for Hurricane is
damage = RU{(Target's MaxHP) * 34 / 100}
If the target is weak against Wind, then this
damage = RU{((Target's MaxHP * 34 * 2) / 100}
and Hurricane will remove 68% of the target's HP
instead of 34%. Note that the success rate of
Hurricane remains unchanged even when the target
is weak against Wind.
'Half: (Element)' ... Damage from this element is halved. This takes the
form of a factor of 2 inserted into the DENOMINATOR
before the final division. Examples:
- The damage equation for Dark Holy is
damage = [(CFa * TFa * 37 * MA) / 10000]
If the target is wearing an N-Kai Armlet (Half:
Dark), then the equation becomes
damage = [(CFa * TFa * 37 * MA) / 20000]
- Similarly, the normal formula for Lich is
damage = RU{(Target's MaxHP) * 50 / 100}
If the target has an N-Kai Armlet, this becomes
damage = RU{(Target's MaxHP) * 50 / 200}
'Cancel: (Element)' .. Attacks of this element cannot succeed (the
prediction will just say 00%). To avoid a double
meaning for 'cancel', I use the word 'block' for
this effect.
'Absorb: (Element)' .. Damage from element is added to, instead of
subtracted from, the HP total.
Note that Weak, Half, Absorb and Cancel have no effect on the success
rates of elemental attacks.
For Geomancy, only MA is affected by elemental attributes, even
though PA is also used to calculate the damage.
The elemental affiliations of an attack are listed in its description
(press SELECT), and also in the big list in section 3.3.
Example of elemental effects:
This example allows you to appreciate the subtle difference between the
two kinds of elemental effects. Let's assume you have a Summoner with
20 MA and 70 Fa casting Lich on a target with 501 Max HP, neutral Zodiac
compability and 60 Fa. Lich does damage equal to RU{TargetMaxHP * 50/100}
with a success rate of [(Caster Fa)*(Target Fa)*(MA+160) / 10000].
Now envision some scenarios:
1. Normal. Lich does RU{501 * 50/100} = 251 damage with a success rate
of [70*60*180/10000] = 75%.
2. The Summoner equips himself with 108 Gems, which strengthens Dark
elemental. This means that wherever MA is considered,
new_MA = [MA * 5/4]. Because MA doesn't determine the damage done
by Lich, the damage is unaffected, and remains at 251. The success
rate, however, increases slightly, because new_MA = [20 * 5/4] = 25.
So the success rate is now [70*60*185/10000] = 77%.
3. Suppose the Summoner unequips the Gems, then the target equips himself
with an N-Kai Armlet, which has the property 'Half: Dark'. Since
'Half' affects damage itself and NOT MA directly, this time the damage
done by the spell will be affected, but the success rate will not. The
damage will now be equal to RU{TargetMaxHP * 50/200}, or 126. The
success rate, however, remains unaffected at 75%.
Weather-related effects on magic -- such as the strengthening of Lightning
during thunderstorms, the weakening of Fire during thunderstorms, and the
strengthening of Ice during snowstorms (see 6.5) -- are effects of the
second type, influencing the actual damage done by the spell rather than
the caster's MA.
Certain attacks -- such as ATTACK, CHARGE, BATTLE SKILL and HOLY SWORD
directives -- are weapon-elemental, meaning they acquire the elemental
properties of the weapon the caster is equipped with. If the caster's weapon
has no elemental affiliation, weapon-elemental attacks will be non-elemental.
In addition, physical attacks that are weapon-elemental only receive a bonus
from the 'Martial Arts' ability if the caster is barehanded.